Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Obesity and Diabetes may Banckrupt the Nation!! This is a unmet need!

We all know that Obama care will make it more expensive and we will pay more out of pocket to get treatment.
Obesity cost the nation $140 Billion annually.Obesity is the world's biggest market.

The policy makers can make it easy by incentivizing VCs to invest in Obesity technologies and in life science technologies. This will enable innovation or we will be paying more for royalties to international innovators.
WHITE HOUSE its up to you now!!!

Ultimately, Obamacare  may be able to offer healthcare to a wide array of people but may fail to remedy the ills of rising health insurance and healthcare costs. Meanwhile, in addition to taxes and penalties, the new entitlement program will be financed by more than $700 billion in cuts from Medicare over a ten year period. This means that retirees will need to buy additional supplemental insurance through one of the health care companies.

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