Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Obesity and Diabetes may Banckrupt the Nation!! This is a unmet need!

We all know that Obama care will make it more expensive and we will pay more out of pocket to get treatment.
Obesity cost the nation $140 Billion annually.Obesity is the world's biggest market.

The policy makers can make it easy by incentivizing VCs to invest in Obesity technologies and in life science technologies. This will enable innovation or we will be paying more for royalties to international innovators.
WHITE HOUSE its up to you now!!!

Ultimately, Obamacare  may be able to offer healthcare to a wide array of people but may fail to remedy the ills of rising health insurance and healthcare costs. Meanwhile, in addition to taxes and penalties, the new entitlement program will be financed by more than $700 billion in cuts from Medicare over a ten year period. This means that retirees will need to buy additional supplemental insurance through one of the health care companies.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Childhood Obesity Now Becoming A Major Health Care Concern: Focus on UK's Childhood Obesity Admissions

Childhood Obesity Now Becoming A Major Health Care Concern: Focus on UK's Childhood Obesity Admissions
Obesity is now the worlds biggest health care market. Currently the treatments are diet, exercise, appetite suppressants from Vivus and Arena pharmaceuticals, medical devices like the lap-band from Allergan and then novel medical devices like The DUO from Reshape, Endo-barrier from Gi Dynamics, GVS from Onciomed, Inc, Intra-gastric balloon from Obalon, Baronova.
These are a few companies that are at the top list of obesity intervention. But the problem is so profound and options so few that all these companies have a tremendous opportunity to grow or get acquired. Unfortunate that a company like Satiety was ahead of its time in adoption and regulatory process. The product had its limitations like the ( profile and navigation through the esophagus) would have been approved in the current regulatory environment and possibly be acquired for v high valuation. VCs were on the side lines and now returning to the obesity field to invest in new technologies.
The number of children admitted to hospital for problems related to obesity in England and Wales quadrupled between 2000 and 2009, according to the 'Rising Obesity-Related Hospital Admissions among Children and Young People in England: National Time Trends Study', by researchers at Imperial College London, UK.
Using the Hospital Episodes Statistics database, they reported on the number of hospital admissions for children and young people aged five to 19 where obesity was recorded in the diagnosis, between 2000 and 2009.
The study, published in the journal Plos One, states that in 2009 there were 3,806 children admitted to hospital for obesity-related conditions, compared with just 872 in 2000. Alarmingly, nearly three quarters of these admissions were to deal with problems complicated by obesity such as asthma, breathing difficulties during sleep and complications of pregnancy, rather than obesity itself being the primary reason.
"The burden of obesity is usually thought to have its serious consequences in adulthood, but we now see it manifesting earlier, in childhood," said Dr Sonia Saxena, from the School of Public Health at Imperial, who led the study. "It's clear that rising obesity levels are causing more medical problems in children, but the rise we observed probably also reflects increasing awareness among clinicians, who have become better at recognising obesity."
For this study the researchers defined total obesity admissions as comprising both primary and secondary diagnoses of obesity and reported on the number of children and young people who underwent bariatric surgical procedures for the management of obesity during the study period.
The found that between 2000 and 2009, age- and sex-specific hospital admission rates in 5–19 year olds for total obesity-related diagnoses increased more than four-fold from 93.0 (95% CI 86.0 to 100.0) per million children to 414.0 (95% CI 410.7 to 417.5) per million children, largely due to rising admissions where obesity was mentioned as a co-morbidity.
The median age of admission to hospital over the study period was 14.0 years; 5,566 (26.7%) admissions were for obesity and 15,319 (73.3%) mentioned obesity as a comorbidity (Table 1). Admissions were more common in girls than boys (56.2% v 43.8%) and the most common reasons for admission where obesity was a comorbid condition were sleep apnoea, asthma, and complications of pregnancy.
Overall admissions were more common in girls than boys (56.2% v 43.8%) and increased with age from 18.7%, 40.1% and 41.2% for age groups 5–9, 10–14 and 15–19 years respectively.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of children and young people admitted with obesity-related diagnosis over the entire study period, by primary or secondary diagnosis, 2000 to 2009.
Hospital admission rates for obesity increased almost four-fold from 21.0 (95% CI 17.5 to 24.5) per million children in 2000 to 78.8 (95% CI 77.0 to 80.6) in 2009. Admission rates for obesity as a comorbidity increased from 70 (95% CI 65.6 to 78.4) per million children in 2000 to 335.3 (95% CI 332.3 to 338.3) per million children in 2009 (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Trends in age and sex-specific hospital admission rates per million children among children and young people ages 5 to 19 years, for obesity and where obesity was a comorbidity, 2000–2009.

Bariatric surgery

Of the 20,885 children and young people admitted to hospitals in England during the study period, 111 patients had a bariatric surgery procedure performed during 2000 and 2009 and the number increased from one procedure in 2000 to 31 in 2009. Of those 111 patients, 109 were in the 15–19 years age group and only two were in the 10–14 years age group. The majority of these procedures (75.6%, n=84) were performed in girls and the median age was 18 years (Figure 2). Laparoscopic gastric banding was the most commonly performed bariatric surgical procedure, accounting for 36% (n=34) of procedures during the study period.

Figure 2. Number of hospital admissions for bariatric surgery for children and young people ages 13 to 19 years by sex, 2000 to 2009.
“We found that patients undergoing bariatric procedures were mainly girls and the number of these procedures increased substantially during our study period,” the authors write. “While the number of these surgeries started from a very low base of one in the year 2000, and the numbers are still lower than US estimates. The increase is large and suggests that England may be moving towards the greater number of these procedures seen in the US.”
The researchers state that there needs to be a full economic analysis of the cost of managing and treating obesity in children and young people and future research should aim to identify target groups of children with higher prevalence of obesity and investigate how this compares with those treated for obesity-related conditions in hospitals in England.
In addition, they urge further researcher as to whether the publication of national guidelines have impacted on hospital admission patterns for obesity.
“Our findings support emerging evidence that the childhood obesity epidemic may lead to substantial problems of obesity-related disease much sooner in children and young people’s lives than previously expected,” the authors conclude. “With levels of admissions for obesity-related diagnoses rising, there is likely to be increasing demand on health services and also greater use of more radical interventions, such as pharmacological or surgical treatment, as part of efforts to address the increasing trend of obesity that threatens the lives of many children and young people in England and globally.”

Sunday, June 2, 2013

“Obesity: Global Public Health Challenge or Investment Opportunity?”

5 Responses for “Obesity: Global Public Health Challenge or Investment Opportunity?”

  1. Rachel says:
    If we take a look at it, the problem of Obesity is more like an investment opportunity. It is hard to avoid for companies not to take the opportunity to invest in this kind of global health problem. Due to large investment placed on this issue, the account of obesity as being a global public health challenge was easily set aside. Hope we can also have generous amount of campaigns against obesity, that will clearly warn the public than seeing the anti obesity acts commercially.
  2. ams says:
    Industry will try to make money off of anything, so why not obesity? I feel like there has been a boom of dieting adds on TV over the last couple years when compared to the last decade. You can’t get through one commercial break without seeing a Weight Watchers, NutraSystem, or Jenny Craig add (not to mention diet/fat burning pills).
    To me, the obvious fix is to have everyone be more active more often and eat less. But who wants to do that? That would probably solve A TON of our problems, especially in the US, but people can come up with all kinds of excuses as to why neither of those options can fit into their lives.
    It will be interesting to see the true impact (if any) this industry explosion will have on obesity. The complications of obesity put such a strain on healthcare systems all over the world–which is a shame because obesity is largely preventible (and, thus, its complications like type 2 diabetes, etc). When it comes down to it, any morally and ethically sound strategy for decreasing incidence and prevalence of obesity should be fully embraced, even if it means someone is going to make a killing in profit.
  3. Jane says:
    There’s no disputing that obesity is a health challenge. A lot of people from different countries are suffering from obesity. The industry will most likely take advantage of the problems in the society such as obesity. They make these problems an investment opportunity. You know. Sadly, that’s life.
  4. Glenn says:
    Obesity is #1 cause of preventable death in US.
    70 Million people are obese, of which 14 million are super obese and are approved by medicare to get invasive treatment like bariatric surgery.
    The cost of surgery ranges from $35,000 to $85,000 you do the math.
    Obesity was never a disease it was a medical condition, so no doctor knew how to deal with this, so now CDC has declared it as a disease as a result new treatment have emerged resulting in a tremendous investment opportunity. One such company developing a novel technology to treat obesity and diabetes is http://www.onciomed.com
    This company is working on novel treatments and is located in Orange County. I just learned that their name ONCIOMED was derived from “Unit of weight Ounce”
    I think in the next decade obesity clinics are going to be everywhere in the US. This is going to be the worlds biggest market! Cardiac surgeons are converting to become bariatric surgeon or obesity surgeon
    So BOA and ML is correct, the disease has become an investment opportunity.
  5. lila says:

    Well said Mr Glenn!
    “Obesity is going to be the worlds biggest market” I agree. China is seeing an obesity epidemic.
    Surprisingly, I was looking at the same website a few days ago. Onciomed.com they have not mentioned what they do, but the website videos are so informative.
    I don’t see anything wrong if obesity is an investment opportunity. I would like people to modify their lifestyle and live health lives. But the fact is we are more addicted to the TV and the electronics and kids spend more time in front of a TV than the playground.
    I had LASIK surgery, i remember, before the invention of LASIK procedure,
    all ophthalmologist were ophthalmologist, after LASIK invention, everyone became a LASIK surgeon. I think the same is going to happen with Obesity. All bariatric surgeons will become obesity surgeons and it will not be a stigma to get treatment for obesity. Already insurance is paying for Lapband. That is a great surgery. I heard that the company who invented lapband sold the company to Allergan for over a $ Billion.
    So surely, BOA_ML is right Obesity is a BIG investment opportunity.
    ALso, good for patients, more investments will translate into new technologies. It’s an ecosystem.
     I looked at Onciomed, Inc, Reshape, Obalon,  GIdynamics and Valentx they all look very promising technologies. I like Onciomed, Inc and Reshape Medical  and Obalon because they are in So Cal.