Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Cost of Obesity and Diabetes in the United States

  • The medical costs of obesity were as high as $147 billion in 2008.
  • The medical costs of diabetes were $116 billion in 2007.
U.S. Rates of Obesity and Diabetes
Facts about County-Level Estimates of Diagnosed Diabetes and Obesity, 2007
For the first time ever, estimates of obesity are available for all 3,141 counties or small areas such as boroughs and townships in the United States. The diabetes estimates are updated with 2007 data. To see county-level estimates of obesity and diagnosed diabetes, visit
  • The proportion of U.S. adults who are obese was 26.1% in 2008.
  • In 2007, nearly 8% of the population, or about 24 million people, had diabetes. Of these, 5.7 million were undiagnosed.
  • County-level estimates of age-adjusted rates of diagnosed diabetes range from 3.7% to 15.3 % in the United States.
  • County-level estimates of age-adjusted rates of obesity range from 12.4% to 43.7% in the United States.
  • Among the counties on the high end and low end of estimated diagnosed diabetes and obesity rates are—
Diabetes—High end
Greene County, Alabama
Holmes County, Mississippi
Jefferson County, Mississippi
Lowndes County, Alabama
Perry County, Alabama
Diabetes—Low end
Boulder County, Colorado
Gallatin County, Montana
Los Alamos County, New Mexico
Santa Fe County, New Mexico
Summit County, Utah

Obesity—High end
Dallas County, Alabama
Greene County, Alabama
Holmes County, Mississippi
Humphreys County, Mississippi
Jefferson County, Mississippi
Obesity—Low end
Boulder County, Colorado
Routt County, Colorado
Santa Fe County, New Mexico
Summit County, Colorado
Summit County, Utah
Source: CDC 

GI Dynamics, Allergan's lap band, J&J's Realize band, Onciomed, Baranova , Reshape Medical and Valentx are some of the next generation technology companies that can help reduce the impact of obesity and diabetes. 
Obesity is going to be the biggest market in the medical device space.

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