Treating people with chronic diseases accounts
for a disproportionate share of America’s
health care dollar—as much as 75 percent of the spending. As treatment
guidelines for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar
are lowered, more patients are receiving care than ever before. The rising
prevalence of obesity in America
is also contributing to increased health care spending. As America’s
waistline expands, health care costs for obesity-related illnesses and disease
also increase, and the problem is getting worse. Over the past quarter century,
adult obesity has doubled in the United States, and childhood
obesity has tripled. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as
well as the National Business Group on Health reported in 2007 that more than a
third of US
adults—more than 72 million people—were obese (BMI > 30).
Diet and exercise do not work and the physician
community does not know how to deal with patients with obesity. The HMO doctor
has 15 min to spend with the patient. As a result nothing is suggested except “watch
your diet” `. The real answer to this problem is in medical device technology. Companies
like: Allegan’s lab band, GI Dynamics, Onciomed, J&J s, Satiety, Baranova, Reshape medical
are some of the most important technologies of the decade.

If you look at the 14 mil people and provide
them with a surgical option with a medical device, and if the cost of the
medical device is $8000-$10,000. it translates into a $120Billion + market in
the US
alone. It is not about just the treatment of the patients who are obese but the
direction it is going. Worldwide, the market for surgical treatments is
growing. There are few bariatric surgeons and way more patients. In the next 5
years obesity will become the biggest medical device market in the history of
medical technology.
This is the time for investors, entrepreneurs
and policy makers to come together and provide resources to technology
companies creating treatment options for obesity.
have prevalence of obesity in epidemic proportions.
Countries like Mexico,
Canada, Germany, Italy,
Venezuela, Brazil, and Chile are reporting obesity as one
of the biggest threats to their health care system.
India and China have Type 2 Diabetes in
epidemic proportions. India
and China’s
metro cities or urban cities are seeing obesity growing at a rate of 14% every
year. China’s
one child policy has created a generation of kids that are pampered and obese.
This generation of kids is going to be obese in
epidemic proportions by the time they are in their twenties. For the first time
in the history, this generation of kids will not outlive their parents.
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