Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Attend the Obesity & Diabtes Innovation Summit in Oct 3-4 in Orange County, Ca.

This is an important time in the fight against obesity and diabetes
For the first time there is going to be a Obesity & Diabetes Innovation Summit in Orange County, California in Oct 3-4, 2013. 
10 Medical device and 10 pharma companies will be talking about their innovations in obesity and diabetes.
 Sponsor companies will get an opportunity to voice their support for obesity.

Who should attend: Expected guest 250-300
 Medical device and pharmaceutical executives, business development executives (tremendous opportunity to partner with young start ups early).
Sponsor companies who are joining the fight against obesity.
Start up companies who can get tremendous visibility to investor and strategic partners
VCs, private investors, PE executives and boutique investment bankers as this new disease classification brings more opportunity in this space.
Doctors, Nutritional experts, medical device, pharma and hospital/healthcare executives, allied health care professionals.

To sponsor, showcase or qualify to present please email a non-confidential company profile to
Top 20 in the obesity and diabetes space will be presenting at the innovation summit.

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